TAI - Transanal Irrigation is a well-established therapy
Transanal irrigation (TAI) is a technique for effectively emptying the bowel. It is a process of facilitating evacuation of stool from the rectum and lower part of the colon by passing water into the bowel. The Navina Smart app is designed to help promote compliance and informed decision making. The Navina Smart control unit records the time and duration of treatment, the balloon size, the amount of water used, and more. After each completion of treatment, the data can be transferred to Navina Smart app (via Bluetooth®) where the user is asked to answer questions about the perceived quality of the treatments.By pairing user parameters with the user’s subjective judgments and graphically displaying this, the Navina Smart app serves as a guide to help the patient and their healthcare professional find treatment patterns and settings that gives the best results.• Progress counter added when synchronizing irrigations• Updated design and bug fixes